  phone +55 (11) 96640-9700
  phone +55 (11) 4063-0502

Our experience involves the best of the market

We intermediate several solutions of Citrix businesses, VMware and new Generation Firewalls Palo Alto Networks.
We use practical methods with routers and network using Mikrotik. Support for Open Source customized for your case.
Web Application Development and Web Services SDKs from the various products you use in your company.
Currently we have developed solutions in Python, C, PHP for servers, workstations and mobile devices.
Consulting services in development, design or update your applications.

Specialized and practical services made specifically for you

Currently, with the huge need for exposure of your company through the Web technologies, the volume of silent and fraudulent attacks has increased exponentially.
Criminals and competitors may be right now trying to bypass your systems and cheating transactions.
New generation firewalls may not be enough to protect your domain from such technology.
Therefore, a complete analysis of your applications is necessary, frameworks, infrastructure and even the Web Application firewalls solutions.
We have implemented Citrix NetScaler Application Firewall solutions, Imperva Data Firewall and ASM FNetworks always with the necessary support and care.

The best security in a new firewall generation

To meet the safety in front of the multiplicity and rapid proliferation of applications there is the new generation of firewalls,
represented mainly by Palo Alto Networks. This solution also requires a new vision of security in your communications infrastructure and data.
We have vast experience in the entire product line implementations in various companies and relying on professional CNSE certificates.

High availability and easy access

We all know the cost of a few seconds of unavailability of your operation, in addition to damage to the image of your company.
To increase this availability and even application performance, we propose an analysis that involves from the development area and systems until the network infrastructure and load balancers using Citrix NetScaler, F5 Networks and others.

  • Citrix
  • Palo Alto
  • Imperva
  • A10 Networks
  • Fortinets
  • MikroTik