  phone +55 (11) 96640-9700
  phone +55 (11) 4063-0502

Support your solution in an open and easy way

LeverageIT has the intention to the improvement of the technology department of your organization. Besides specialized services such as the improvement of information security, firewall implementation, development and application tools for Web Service also mediate access to iGuest internal network, which is already used in various environments

IT company that serves you

Specialized network services: Analyze problems; optimization of applications; load balancing; visualization; security; support; survey of wireless networks IWW 802.11; Web application firewall; Database Firewall; forensic analysis; online payment systems; virtualization; development and integration of customized systems; hotel systems; online payment reserves (SPOL); parking control; internet access control system (iguest) and developing mobile enterprise applications for iPhone and Android

  • Citrix
  • Palo Alto
  • Imperva
  • A10 Networks
  • Fortinets
  • MikroTik